As a fan of a wide variety of popular (and not-so-popular) music from the 1950s (and sometimes even earlier) up through the present, one of my bucket list projects for years has been to put together a list of my 100 favorite songs of all time. At some point I decided that, once I got around to figuring that out, I could put it out on a blog, for the infinitesimally small proportion of the Internet world that might be interested. So, here we are. While the Top 100 will be a major focus, I also plan to post on a variety of other musical (and occasionally non-musical) topics, in which you may or may not be interested. (If a particular posting doesn’t ring your bell, you’re only a few clicks away from a dancing cat video on YouTube.)
I was tempted to burst into song as I was reading this one
into the computer for the Metropolitan Washington Ear yesterday morning, but my
better judgment prevailed. I did get to try out my “best” Southern accent at
one point, however.
“The left’s thirst for Senate Democrats to do something
about Dobbs is understandable, but the reality is that weakening the
filibuster would simply open the door for Republicans to pass their own,
far-more-punitive federal restrictions once they inevitably return to power.”
“Republican visions of an abortion-free America will turn
very real if the Democrats pursue this goal. Just two years ago, when Donald
Trump was president, 53 senators voted to advance a 20-week abortion ban and 56
senators backed a Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would
have created criminal penalties for doctors who failed to follow new federal
standards after procedures went awry. In 2015, 53 senators voted to ban federal
funding for Planned Parenthood. In 2006, 57 senators voted to make it a federal
crime to transport a minor across state lines to get an abortion without
notifying her parents in advance.”