As a fan of a wide variety of popular (and not-so-popular) music from the 1950s (and sometimes even earlier) up through the present, one of my bucket list projects for years has been to put together a list of my 100 favorite songs of all time. At some point I decided that, once I got around to figuring that out, I could put it out on a blog, for the infinitesimally small proportion of the Internet world that might be interested. So, here we are. While the Top 100 will be a major focus, I also plan to post on a variety of other musical (and occasionally non-musical) topics, in which you may or may not be interested. (If a particular posting doesn’t ring your bell, you’re only a few clicks away from a dancing cat video on YouTube.)

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

On the latest album by Harry Styles

“[It] shows off Styles’s unorthodox mixture of influences, their threatening edges sanded down. Sometimes it sounds like what would have happened if Freddie Mercury went to Laurel Canyon and wrote a song with A-ha. Other times, it’s a mild soft-rock album that nudges you hopefully with its nose, so eager to please it feels as if a golden retriever made it.”


An extremely well-written review by the Post’s Allison Stewart – well worth reading even if you don’t care about (or have never heard of) Mr. Styles.



  1. In the second week of May, 1961, Ricky Nelson had both an A and B side of the same single in the Top Ten.

    1. One very neat thing that we lost with the demise of physical singles ...
